
Five point Palm-Exploding Heart Technique!!!

Bill: Pai Mei taught you the five point palm-exploding heart technique?
The Bride: Of course.
Bill: Why didn’t you tell me?
The Bride: I don’t know… because I’m a bad person.
Bill: You’re not a bad person. You’re a terrific person. You’re my favorite person. But every once in a while you just can be a real cunt.

Yes, I’ve watched Kill Bill Vol.2 finally. You may guess what is “Five point Palm-exploding heart technique”. It’s a Chinese Kung Fu from Pai Mai. It’s totally a different style played by the genius Quentin Tarantino. I would give my comment later, and give the answer to what that technique is in Chinese……

One more thing, which is quite interesting…..
If we catergorize, batman and spiderman have some common property which is totally different from superman. So, what’s the difference between superman and spiderman/batman?

It makes me think of “Unbreakable”, which talks about the relationship between hero and villian.


  1. Something more……Guess how many versions of DVD Kill Bill would release? SIX!!!! _ – Kill Bill Vol.1 – Kill Bill Vol.2 – Kill Bill Vol. 1 Spec. Ed – Kill Bill Vol 2. Spec. Ed – Kill Bill 2-pack – Kill Bill box set at Christmas

    Any Kill Bill die-hard fans here??

    Source: The Movie Blog

  2. Is there any real validity to the reference of the five point technique foung in traditional martial arts, i am sure that more ancient studies found the presure points for example can and do have real medicinal/lethal techniques bUT???
