

下一代的windows將分為三種display mode,如果你的顯示卡在3d顯示功能方面有不錯的性能,就可以體會新的interface,否則還是回到windows2000的舊模樣吧!

看來我們的hardware實在走前於software太多了,要找地方發洩一下。繼luna ui後又來這個3d ui……

The top-of-the-line interface, code-named “Aero Glass,” will have transparency and other advanced three-dimensional shading features but will demand a high-end video card with at least 64MB of video memory. The midlevel “Aero” interface will offer most of the improved graphics abilities and will require just 32MB of video memory.

Both Aero and Aero Glass will also require DirectX 9.0 support, AGP 4X for external graphics cards and a Longhorn graphics driver.

For those systems that lack such a powerful graphics card, Microsoft will offer a “classic” interface, designed to replicate Windows 2000, the mainstay of today’s corporate desktops.

Not all will see Longhorn in 3D | CNET News.com
