After about a month of continuous working, I finally got a real holiday on Sunday (and it’s not because of power suspension!) where I can sleep late and go out for movie and for a walk. So these days I ‘m in a very good mood, feeling sweet and happy. Rest and entertainment are very important as they charge you up for next week’s work.
I hope that I can have those easter holidays completely, that’s what I most worried about.
As I’m in such a mood, it’s time to post lyrics! (Although it seems that most of my article have lyrics…you know they just came out of nowhere in my brain….) The song just came across my mind..
Fly me to the moon
And let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and MarsIn other words, hold my hand
In other words, darling kiss me.Fill my heart with songs
And let me sing forever more
You are all I long for, all I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true
In other words, I love u…
A very old jazz song. It’s also the ending song of Evangelion. I have heard so many version of it: Rei, Leon, Bart, 宇多田光……In 宇多田光‘s version have something extra at the beginning:
Poets often use many words
To say a simple thing.
It takes thought and time and rhyme
To make a poem sing.With music and words I’ve been playing
For you, I have written a song.
To be sure that you’ll know what I’m saying,
I’ll translate as I go along…
It makes me think of some poems translate into songs…..水調歌頭、滿江紅、兵車行,etc. Actually when u read lyrics, it sounds like a poem as well, is it?
長此下去只會把productivity 降低…
大佬都返o左屋企啦,仲用blog 傾計。
The management is bad because it is the very first web application project of the company. The boss just don't know how much time is needed and the schedule is of course seriously inaccurate. It should be better next time. (Hopefully..)