
Get list on Google

As I’m still building the EVA Zone using textpattern . A recent log entries shows that a google search has reached my site. So I come to realize my never-promote-before new site is listed on the google’s list already. It’s quite surprising to me. I think the main reasons are:

  1. Standard compliant: I’m using XHTML transitional and try to validate each page as possible. Althought the CSS I used has some hack on PNG so it does not validate.
  2. The use of CSS to make us of h1,h2,h3 tag really helps. These tags help those web spider to come across your page faster.
  3. The use of ‘Clean URL‘ featured in TXP . The URL of my new site looks static, rather than attaching a long argument list ‘?s=news&xxxxx..’

That’s good~~

