我想大家都試過在開夜車時,因為心無旁騖,而可以專心一致地温習,而且好像比起日間可以更為專心和有效吧?據這篇 文章 所說,在心理學上,這是一種進入了”順流” (flow) 的狀態,在這種狀態下,就好像調較好的汔車一樣,可以很暢順地駕駛,而且感覺會很不錯,會令你對時間的感覺變淡:
when you are in the flow, you concentrate only on what you are doing and you hold all the required details in your head, in the short and middle term memory. Because there are no disturbances inside your own head, all the details are readily accessible to the brain and the brain in general works like a well-oiled machine, the work progresses excellently and working is a pleasure.
Hacker們稱這種狀態為hack mode。eva裏這是同步超高的表現,可能會引至暴走。高智能方程式裏這叫Zero領域….
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