我聽商台節目,間中也會聽聽《架勢堂》。自己聽森美小儀也有一段歷史 (由變態樂園開始) ,不算是忠實 fans,但這兩個人拍擋的節目的確不差,夠輕鬆搞笑,也有紋有路。這一次出事的那一集我沒有聽,只看題目,的確過了火位,用了有侮辱性的字眼,去代表他們本來想說「最想親吻、擁抱」的原意。尤其事件發生在商台,與市面誨淫誨盜的X周立場不同,引發更大的爭議。
婦女團體的反應究竟是不是某些傳媒所煽動出來,不清楚。但總觀這些團體直斥兩人行徑「顛倒是非,譁眾取寵」,又呼籲市民罷聽「鼓吹性暴力的商台」,顯然已將事件焦點,由事件轉到當事人和電台身上,將他們說成是萬惡電台一樣,這又不是另一種「譁眾取寵」?作為長期聽眾的 (包括我) ,對於商台的台風,森美小儀的人格,心中有數,這些真是欲加之罪。
然而,商台竟然怕到要停節目雪主持,也是意料之外。在 InMedia 看到有關婦團的四點要求裏,其要求商台做的,其實只是要求道歉,作出檢討和監察,其他的都是要求廣管局跟進,平機會制定指引而已。所以說,商台已經符合要求了,並不需要升級行動。
According to mingpaonews.com, it is 停薪留職, instead of 停職留薪.
兩個節目主持, 都具十年以上節目經驗, 森美更是大學客席講師~
想到了這樣一個點子, 卻拿捏不當, 實在大出所料~
這樣的一個重點節目, 高層們亦注意不到有問題, 更加抵打!
(我知道, 很多電台高層都不太留意自己的節目的) :p
好了, 不小心犯錯了, 加了意料不到的輿論升溫之快速, 事情鬧大了~
兩位主持有錯, 商台的處事方法卻更錯~ (所以導致輿論升溫?)
這不是一個假撇清? 一個祭旗手法嗎?
某個角落 : 謝,已修正。
己不期望香港的傳媒人具專職水平,只希望他們能有點common sense,但連這也成了希冀,香港真的是這麼糟麼?
那一集當時我有聽,他們最近有一個新環節叫「十大xx 選舉」,叫聽眾投票自己心水的十大xx,他們會在節目裡用遊戲形式讀出來(上星期的是十大點心)。當時他們就通知聽眾下星期的題目是「十大最想非禮女藝人」,說完題目後就叫聽眾致電投票,然後就沒有太多加插相關的形容語句並說了其他的話題。可能我見怪不怪,當時聽了後倒沒有甚麼大感覺,卻想不到成為了這星期的熱門話題…… 還是算了。
我從未收聽過該節目, 但一向知道兩個主持人都係大學畢業, 又同年青人攪舞台劇, 好正面. 但今次真係好過份, 我覺得唔係得罪D婦女咁簡單, 而係身為傳媒, 仲係一個咁多人收聽既節目, 負責既人係有相當既責任, 尤其是教育下一代. 如果咁既選舉大家既反感程度少反而嚇死人. 最荒謬係吳君如用好白痴既說話去撐佢地. 我認為商台將當事人停薪留職係需要, 亦可能係無可奈何既做法, 否則只會更多人聲討. 故勿論邊個諗出呢個不負責任既選舉遊戲(可能兩位主持都係被動), 如果咁既遊戲都可以大行其道, 好快香港就可能會有受歡迎既全粗口節目教育我地下一代.
I've put a link to your blog and some quotes of this entry into my Xanga (herman_love_hk). If it's not appropriate, please inform me by email , many thanks.
「以為人多就合理」… 其實咪又係一件網絡起哄事件…
TO 14. ming,
我覺得系講者無心, 聽者有意
今次事件, 講者錯到極都系用詞失誤, 有所誤導..
paolo: 因為這些遣詞用字,沒有大家認同的標準,大家心中都有不同的價值觀。我們所能做的,是盡量專重,求同存異,而不是一味打壓。
Somebody above said, "非禮是一個禁忌,不能說!只是因為避而不談,自欺欺人,以為不說就不會發生非禮這種事,這只是無知的表現"
I cannot believe there are people who thinks that sexual assault is only a "taboo"!!!! Thank goodness there are people like Mad Dog and Dark Man above who refuted such nonsense even from a male perspective! This is not about so-called "moralists" in Hong Kong being too prudish about sex, this is a popular phone-in radio show actively asking its listeners to nominate female stars they would most like to sexually assualt!! HOW COULD ANYONE DEFEND THIS???? Even liberal opinions in the West (I should say especially true progressive voices like the Guardian) would not condone such flagrant incitation to sexual violence in mainstream media. The fact that this has been voiced by likeable young radio hosts just make the whole story sadder, and the fact that they didn't even bother apologising properly for their really serious mistake until they have been almost forced to do so by the strength of opposition voices made me worry about the youths of today. I'm surprised to hear that Sammy's meant to be a university guest lecturer – did he "read shitty nappies"?
I also seriously take issue with the view that we cannot criticise Sammy and Siu Yee's show because the Next and Apple media are far worse in their disrespectful treatment of women. Hey! Since when are people allowed off the hook just because other people have done far worse things?? If we are to follow this illogic then we can't reprimand a thief or a cheat or even a rapist, because you know, he's not even as bad as those who murder people so what right have we to take these people to task for the crimes and mistakes they have committed? In any case I feel that Sammy and Siu Yee, and Commercial Radio station for that matter, should be chastised precisely because they are meant to represent an alternative to the Next/Apple/East porn-filled media.
I think Sammy and Siu Yee get their just desserts by having their show stopped for a period of time, to send out the clear message that when you made a mistake, no matter how popular you are, there are consequences. An apology is the LEAST that should be expected from them and it should have been sincerely offered without prompting, rather than something reluctantly squeezed from them as if we're extracting teeth. The fact that this was a thoughtless mistake rather than a deliberate intent on the part of the presenters was a mitigating factor – but precisely because they work in the broadcast media, they should have learnt their lesson about the importance of word choices a long time ago.
當事人當了多年的主持,應該知道有那些位應該去,有些位應該避, 今次明顯是做錯了,雖然是無心之失但也無得抵賴。
是要讓大家也知道「這些事情」不對而不再犯? 還是要把對方趕盡殺絕後便何以無眼屎乾淨盲?
如果是後者的話,那應該連那些生果,方向,星宿報也要一律罷看吧,為什麼那些報紙現在反過來可以當道德警察來? 總不能用兩把尺對待同一種類的事件吧?
我們的主流意見不是「知錯能改,善莫大焉」嗎? 對方道了歉也有相應懲罰便足夠了,還是我們希望對方永不翻生才是主流? 我越來越搞不懂了。
hey snowdrops, i have to clarify, i am a Female, not a man.
btw, snowdrops, i trully agree with you. Osama bin Laden is the most-wanted terrorist on earth doesn't mean that other terrorists who killed fewer people are innocent. our world and the people have changed a lot and our next generation is getting worse… horrible.
Hey Mad dog, very sorry for having mistaken your gender (how stereotypically-genderised is my thinking in relation to nick names!) Thanks for your message too in drawing the parallel with terrorism, the typical Sammy-SiuYee line of defense is exactly the same kind of thing I see in other debates on terrorism too (e.g. all these Coalition apologists who say that Iraqis should be grateful because at least they are not as bad as Saddam, and all these Israeli-state-apologists who say that their treatment of Palestinians are nowhere near as bad as the former South African apatheid state… but these are all topics for another day…)
To 小澤 and Scarlett, I agree with you that for Next/Apple/East media to criticise Sammy/SiuYee is hypocrisy of the highest order. They should clean up their own act before they have to right to critique others. However, this should not mean that Sammy/SiuYee's actions are above contempt. Ordinary people in general, including women's voluntary organisations, have every right to condemn their show. And it is really disingenious for their supporters to simply say that these are "mobs" stirred up by the Next/Apple/East media. Please don't insult the public's intelligence when they themselves can't tell what is right from wrong.
Also, I haven't seen any fierce critics of Sammy/SiuYee calling for their heads on a platter. All that was demanded from them was a heartfelt apology and explanation to their fans of why what they have done was wrong, and neither of these were exactly forthcoming from them. To stop their show temporarily was seen as enough, I haven't seen anybody calling for these presenters to be sacked outright or to make them "永不翻生" (in any case sacking them would just have the complete opposite effect of further encouraging their blind fans). So please don't paint their legitimate critics as braying hounds out to get their blood (and please understand by "legitimate critics" I do not include the likes of the Next/Apple/East media). I actually find them likeable to start with, and I certainly wish this is not the last we'll see of them. But it's so easy isn't it to just character assasinate your critics to make them sound more extreme rather than tackle their criticisms head on. I would also say that a lot of people who are saying they will not listen to Sammy/SiuYee's show anymore are not keen readers of the Next/Apple/East media anyway, and so many of them have already 罷看 such rubbish.
Ultimately I believe having this debate is a healthy thing, if it helps radio presenters to "think before they speak" and raise the level of societal consciousness regarding sexual violence then all these hullabaloo in both online and mainstream media is worth it.
Oops, just to clarify, I don't mean 小澤 and Scarlett have been "character-assasinating" legitimate critics of Sammy/SiuYee above, but rather, S/SY's supporters whose comments I have read online which suggested this. So the "you" in the second last paragraph of the above post refers not to 小澤 and Scarlett but to S/SY's supporters.
And apologies Jacky for taking up so much of your blog comment space to debate this issue.
Snowdrop :
‧‧‧ However, this should not mean that Sammy/SiuYee’s actions are above contempt. Ordinary people in general, including women’s voluntary organisations, have every right to condemn their show. And it is really disingenious for their supporters to simply say that these are “mobs” stirred up by the Next/Apple/East media. Please don’t insult the
public’s intelligence when they themselves can’t tell what is right from wrong.
Also, I haven’t seen any fierce critics of Sammy/SiuYee calling for their heads on a platter. All that was demanded from them was a heartfelt apology and explanation to their fans of why what they have done was wrong, and neither of these were exactly forthcoming from them. To stop their show temporarily was seen as enough, I haven’t seen anybody calling for these presenters to be sacked outright or to make them “永不翻生” (in any case sacking them would just have the complete opposite effect of further encouraging their blind fans). So please don’t paint their legitimate critics as braying hounds out to get their blood (and please understand by “legitimate critics” I do not include the likes of the Next/Apple/East media). I actually find them likeable to start with, and I certainly wish this is not the last we’ll see of them. //
raise the level of societal consciousness regarding sexual violence then all these hullabaloo in both online and mainstream media is worth it. //
Snowdrop: 沒有所謂,想說就說吧~~ 你寫英文會比較長,我明白~ _