When it comes to focus the first text field on a page using jQuery , the usual solution would be:
This query means to find the first of input text field(s), which is/are visible and enabled. However, this would also extract text field(s) which is/are under a display:none parent(s). So a more complete way would be:
return $(this).parents(":hidden").size()==0;
The filter here would try to determine if the text field is a descendant of a hidden ancestor. The usage of slice(0,1) instead of get(0) is to keep the chainability. A test page is put up here .
Finally, you may wrap it up with a plugin:
$.fn.focusFirstField = function(){
$this = this;
return $(this).parents(":hidden").size() == 0;
return this;
So that you can do this:
$("#form1,#form2").focusFirstField(); //form1 or form2 may be 'hidden' dynamically
I just wonder if there is any ‘selector-only’ solution for this?
Update: It turns out that the child’s visiblity would override parent’s visibility. So the filter should only check display none:
return $(this).parents.filter(function(){
return this.style.display "none"; })
I’ve updated the demo page .
用 prototype 的話我會這樣:
( 在page load 完後才 focus )
呃… 上面 [ 0 ] 變了 [0]
Can this function handle when
1) style="display:none" on the input?
2) the form itself is under a div with display:none?
Why slice() instead of eq()?
form 或 form 上層的 elements 是 hidden … 是不行的
anonymous: yes, can use eq() also.
小影: that's my interest… multiple forms, which may be ‘hidden'
BTW, eq() also uses slice()