- 崩架,唉崩架
Quote: 我們從歷史中得到的教訓是,我們從來都不會從歷史中學習到甚麼教訓 - 20世紀謠言
Quote: 《20》的電影在港上映前,全球正被金融海嘯蹂躪,然後發生東亞銀行擠提事件,漫畫情節與現實生活,相似之處何其多
HK Web
- 全面檢討淫審制度的檢討
Quote: 節錄以下幾段較代表性的批評或建議,冷靜想想,在口誅筆伐中,仿佛成為「犯眾憎」的條例檢討裡面,哪些地方真的需要再去檢討 - 淫審與網絡迷思之一:互聯網無王管?
Quote: 香港若要搞金盾、長城,其實我真的不大擔心,到最後是政府自己捉蟲,這一點連淫審委員張民炳也看通了:「若搞淫褻網站黑名單,到時變成咸網指南咪仲弊!」 - 以保護青少年之名
Quote: 條法例一旦落實,勢必為政治勢力所用 - 回應<政治博客>一文
Quote: 作者的文章本身已是一個很好的示範,告訴我們互聯網的言論自由,可以如何促進討論。新媒體並不如他想像中的可怕。
HK Comics
- 香港漫畫 文化奇譚
Quote: 年輕人要畫漫畫動畫,聽聽宮崎駿意見,先去讀大學,也學學新海誠,主修文學,多點見識,又或者先找份正經工作,儲點錢旅行,到世界各地走走,眼光擴减了,技術可以慢慢訓練,就算人工不怎麼高,起碼也有點抵抗權威的風骨 - 從劉雲傑說到香港漫畫
Quote: 或許他或他不是你杯茶,但他們最少展現了香港漫畫的另一面,是武打漫畫以外的其他可能性
- 香港電腦業的曙光
Quote: 但幸好是,我眼中所見,幾年前要求的IT超人(C,C++,J2EE,SE,ME, C#,ASP.NET,VB,PHP,Perl…)已經好少
- State of the Blogosphere 2008: Technorati Numbers Indicate Blogging Is Niche and Slowing
Quote: Trying to blog (as 130 million+ people have in the past 6 years) may be somewhat mainstream, but actually blogging does not seem to be so yet - When we are no longer just blogger
WeLeon 在 wordcamp talk 的 slide
Web Services
- SimplyBox – Think Inside the Box
使用 screen capture 的形式來收集網頁資訊 - Yahoo! Web Analytics
Yahoo! 也有 Web 統計服務了,能與 Google 爭一日之長短? - Sikbox
簡單地為自己的網站加入 live search 功能 - smush it!
幫你移除圖片上不必要的資料,如拍攝時間、相機等等,有 Firefox plugin - MixTube
Create and share audio playlists made from youtube videos
- 第一次探訪Google Office in HK
Google 在香港教育界應向何發展? - Google Blog Search
新版面加入了類似 techmeme 的功能 - Google
Search Google as in 2001 - 10^100 計劃
You give your idea to help the world. Google will sponsor it. - Embeddable Google Books
- Introducing Geode
Quote: automatically deduces your location, and serves up some delicious suggestions a couple blocks away and plots directions there - WiseStamp an Email Signature that works for you!
Quote: Firefox extension enables you to easily customize & add personalized email signatures on any webmail service
- Website Reloader
輸入你想定期 reload 的網站列表 - List²
When you want a simple list and tables but don’t want to open excel for doing so. - Making Ubiquity Ubiquitous
An autohotkey scripts to run ubiquity anywhere - Everything Search Engine
A tiny windows search tools - Turbocharge PuTTY with 12 Powerful Add-Ons
- 超级小巧的5款免费款树状笔记软件
- Scripting Maintainability
- JS Bin – Collaborative JavaScript Debugging
十分方便的 js 環璄,支持 json - jQuery, MooTools, the Ajax Experience, Programming to the Pattern, and What Really Makes One Framework Different From Another
比較 jQuery 與 MooTools 的哲學,jQuery 利於 DOM Manipulation,而 MooTools 利於 OO,作者認為 MooTools 在建構大型 Application 時會更好用 - – JavaScript Network Library
use comet to do the ‘socket’ thing. But I guess server side would need some support? Lack of documentation. - NiftyPlayer – a small and simple Flash MP3 player!
it’s javascriptable - Practical Functional JavaScript: Code Samples
- jQuery.embrace().extend();
幾個有關 jQuery 的 presentation slides - Reading Blinds — a YUI-powered Reading Tool
只顯示網頁文字部份,讓你專心閱讀 - YUI 2.6.0 Released
- jQuery, Microsoft, and Nokia
MS will ship jQuery in ASP.NET Ajax Framework. Nokia will use jQuery to develop applications for their Webkit-based Web Run-Time. - JS.Class – Ruby-style JavaScript
Quote: designed to make JavaScript behave like Ruby in terms of its OOP structures - PI.JS
Quote: to provide an useful development environment and minimize the browser differences - Learning Advanced JavaScript
John Resig 的演講用 slide,非常 interactive
- Is There Anything You Wish CSS Could Do? 15 Designer/Developers Sound Off
The one I want most is the layout…. can we have a simpler and clearer way to do so? - Maintainable CSS using IE specific CSS selectors
using conditional comment
Web Dev
- Understanding Progressive Enhancement
Progressive Enhancement is different from Graceful Degradation - Hammerhead: moving performance testing upstream
A firebug extension to gather performance metrics - The Ajax Experience – State of the Browsers
PPK 的 presentation slides - HTML 5: Features you want desperately but still can’t use
Code demo - Test-Driven Progressive Enhancement
- PURE Unobtrusive Rendering Engine for HTML
- Touchless
Quote: enables touch without touching by using a webcam to track color based markers
thanks for the recommendation
你好……本人名叫Larry Lau,現正有個網上廣告雖要找多個有名氣的Blogger……怎樣才可跟你/妳聯絡得上…….麻煩收到訊息可詳細內容可致電本人詳談!!謝謝!!
我不覺得自己是 bridge blogger,所以也沒有甚麼歡感可言啦