- Open Everything Hong Kong 2008 活動已經完滿結束
- 創用 CC 網頁多媒體編撰套件
網頁設計 CC 實例 - 親愛的Firefox,請原諒我的花心
LOL Quote: 其實Chrome的兄弟姐妹都過得不怎麼樣,這就是有錢家庭(Google)的小孩被寵壞的下場
- 我看2008年香港Blog界大事
- 發聲和發洩
Quote: 網誌存在的意義,不在於形成巨大的影響力,變成一種新的媒體去取代舊的媒體,只在於解決人的需要。內容不是唯一重要的東西。
- 孫中山先生的錄音
Quote: 正因超越時代的信念,才能使一個本來十分平凡的廣東鄉下仔成為永載史冊的偉人。 - 我們需要怎樣的國民教育?
Quote: 一方面,有人覺得他們對國家沒有理性的懷疑和批判(事實上,這只是因為這一代學生不會對中國有甚麼特別的負面反應);但另一方面,又有人會以為他們的國家民族意識不足,只因他們承接了香港社會的政治冷感
Web Services
- Microsoft Live Labs Thumbtack
Quote: A single place to save or share the stuff you want from all around the web - userfly
Quote: watch movies of your users’ browsing sessions to analyze their behavior
- Appcelerator Titanium
Open platform for building rich desktop applications, something like AIR? - nativeclient
Quote: running x86 native code in web applications
- Facebook Across the Web
what a coincedence that it releases so close to google friend connect, huh? - Google Friend Connect: Add social features to your site
It’s now open to everyone
- All about Google – SlideShare
Everything you always wanted to know about Google… But were afraid to ask - Gmail on your Desktop
- Google Chrome (out of) Beta
- Twitter Groups
- If you use Twitter, at least do it with Style
Greasemonkey to power up your twitter - TwitterGadget
can be installed in igoogle and gmail
- Open++
customize your right click menu in windows - 在办公室快速创建简单但又特别的PPT
- USB Safely Remove
有 commandline 可用 - ShortcutBinder – 用快捷键点击链接!
配合 xpath 設定 shortcut
- Extending CSS Spriting
use normal img tag for CSS sprites - CSS Stacked Bar Graphs
- 5 Ways to Spice up Your Images with CSS
- DD_belatedPNG
Quote: better PNG background-image support in IE6
- Revision 9: /trunk/slickspeed
不用伺服器版本的 slickspeed - Writing a custom Dojo application
- XBug – The Javascript Debugger
work in chrome, Firefox, IE and safari - JavaScript Language Abstractions
one of the concern is that when there is a leakage, how can you debug it under such abstraction? - Advogato: Blurring of MVC lines: Programming the Web Browser.
- The Problem With Logging
just don’t log everything - Yii PHP Framework
Quote: a high-performance component-based PHP framework for developing large-scale Web applications - strfriend
visualization tool for regexp