- 2.15「維護公民社會價值,反對宗教右翼霸權」大遊行(twitter log 整理篇)
- 2009網絡大事件(下):搭便車的網民
Quote: 這場遊行,真的是網絡大事件,正如林輝所說,有別於一般的遊行,這次遊行的組合是嶄新的,有7、8成的臉孔不相熟 - 一個平信徒看反右翼遊行
Quote: 我說廣義基督教會(包括天主教和新教)的光譜遠比教外的人想像中闊,對於社會、政治、倫理議題的立場也不是外界印象中單一 - 恨從哪裡來?
Quote: 2月15日的反宗教右翼遊行,由發起到真正行動,完完全全成了右翼自我實現的預言 - 恨從哪裡來?
Quote: 互聯網的普及,讓整整一個世代有了能力和意志,去向他們認為不合理的事說不
- 溫家寶的一哭二鬧
Quote: 中國人二千年來,姿態習慣低微,也沒意識到總溫理那句是人民在「養」你們,那「養」其實就是權力 - 幸好,香港毋須溫家寶
Quote: 為何去到廿一世紀,中國人為何還用那「父母官」思維,去判定、衡量管治我們官僚的優而劣,而非用官僚的能力、用制度去為他們爭取更公平、更佳的政府?
Web Trend
- 網路趨勢/創業大師不會告訴你的事(一)
Quote: 想做網站創業的人每天都會跑出幾百個, 撐不到發光發熱那天就宣告破產的我猜每天也有幾百個
Web Services
- Facets for Delicious
Forcing some struture in your delicious bookmark - Bespin
Online code editor from Mozilla Labs
- New in Labs: Filter import/export
- Google Code Labs
可查看 Google 哪些 API 已「畢業」,即完全支持 - Google Toolbar 6 beta for Internet Explorer: back to basics
with quick search bar (outside of browser) to launch application - Data Validation gives you more control over your spreadsheets
Google Spreadsheet 做的 web form 可也有此功能? - Xoopit
has a Firefox plugin to make your Gmail inbox ‘socialize’ by Facebook
- Safari 4 Beta for Mac and PC
It’s fancy and fast!
- MaxTo
Quote: a small Windows program that divides your monitors into regions - How to replace Windows XP Start menu Search with a third-party search tool
- Computer Repair Utility Kit
A combination of computer repair tools in a portable drive
- iPodME
Quote: converts video into an iPod-compatible format, the easy way - Pod to PC
copy music from iPod to PC
- Fluid Grids
using font percentage size - Object Oriented CSS
OOCSS allows you to write fast, maintainable, standards-based front end code - Vertical Centering With CSS
- Cross-Browser Inline-Block
- CSS3 Feedback: Animated Shapes
Quote: including both polygonal element boxes and polygonal floats - Wanted: Layout System
Quote: And please, let’s put the whole “display: table-cell will grant those abilities through CSS” to rest. Saying that is just saying “use tables for layout” with different words - Rendurr
Real time HTML/CSS code snippet rendering - HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet
- Simple scalable CSS based breadcrumbs | Veerle’s blog
- When can I use…
browser compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and others, with filter
- Building mashups with JSONP, jQuery, and Yahoo! Query Language
- 43,439 reasons to use append() correctly
How to optimize append() speed in jQuery - JSONView
Quote: a Firefox extension that helps you view JSON documents in the browser - Things you may not know about jQuery
more advanced jquery techniques such as namespace event, plugin - Lightweight JQuery Portal
use some convention on file names to create a simple portal-like page - xLazyLoader
jQuery plugins to load js,css, images, etc with a callback
- How FriendFeed uses MySQL to store schema-less data
- Magic properties make Firefox synchronously load the Java plugin
用 window.sun (or function sun(){}) 會啟動 jvm,小心 - SelectorGadget
Quote: an open source bookmarklet that makes CSS selector generation and discovery on complicated sites a breeze - The Bad Apple: Group Poison
團隊運作很容易被一個「毒」成員搞亂 - 3n’s db-script-cache at master
Quote:automatically caches script files in the browser’s HTML5 client-side database - YAML Debug
an assistive tool for web developers, that allows you to quickly review code quality and semantic structure of any website
jacky前輩 :
乞兒仔上來乞點人氣: 乞兒部落
其實你在這裏貼 link 沒有太大用 (而且還是 no follow),還是 content is king
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