文章Chrome Web Store 開張 Google 今年還是未能趕及推出 Chrome OS,但 Web Store 就已準備就緒了。看到頁面一眾 App 靚仔排列,這是一個新奇好玩的新世界嗎?不好意思,大部份 App 其實只是 Bookmark 而已,有些 App 其實也只是 Flash ,真正用 HTML5 寫的有幾個?認真的,Web Store 應該加個屬性,顯示哪個 Web App 真身是甚麼,因為總覺得 “install” 一個 bookmark 有點大陣仗… [網誌]Chrome Web Store 開張 https://jacky.seezone.net/2010/12/09/3191/[網誌]Chrome Web Store 開張 https://jacky.seezone.net/2010/12/09/3191/
may i share ? Has tech made us so in touch with each other that we are losing our touch http://twitter.com/aplusk/status/12613762653626368
may i share ?
Has tech made us so in touch with each other that we are losing our touch