- 李柱銘「漢奸」事件簿:語文篇
Quote: 只要當事件牽涉及國家民族與外敵的矛盾,立即就會變成非黑即白的層次 - 漢奸之謎
Quote: 由於讓中國百姓得享人權,向被認為損害國家利益,讓中國人民不受欺壓、活得有人類基本的尊嚴、得到司法公平對待等,也一向被認為是不義之事。所以,李柱銘百分百是漢奸。 - Who can sell a country?
附有網摘 - 可以「唱衰」自己的國家嗎?
Quote: 批評政府、不滿現況,不等於「不愛國」 - 文字誅心最可怕 – 反駁明報
Copyrights & Creativity
- 黑社會與創意
Quote: 這不單是扼殺創意,而是威脅個人的自由空間,香港趨向缺乏容忍包容,什麼都可道德上上綱上線的單色城市。 - 拾肆K.(OK)不OK
- About triad on T-shirt
- 老媽子之歌
調寄 william tell overture,精彩! - Youtube’s Copyright Filter
Quote: 大眾對內容的合理使用(Fair Use) 權益會否被剝奪 - 柏克萊大學(UC Berkeley) 在Youtube 公開課堂錄影
Quote:本月四日開始,美國加洲柏克萊大學在Youtube 上公布九門課程,共約三百小時的的教學錄影
- 獨媒獲德國之聲提名最佳中文 blog
還有其他提名 - 葉劉Blog
Quote: 自話自說的Blog,既沒意思、亦不好看。不搞也罷。 - Yang Decides to Shut Down Yahoo 360
Really? Quote: That’s what happens when nobody uses a service
Open Social
- OpenSocial – Google Code
正式 google code 頁面 - OpenSocial: Three Big Concerns
New Services/Updates
- Third time’s a charm
Tumblr 3.0 ,包括Channels、privacy功能 - Google Notebook Adds Labels and Bookmarks
- DecentURL.com
將 URL 變成 readable - docstoc
Quote: docstoc is a user generated community where you can find and share professional documents. - Gmail 2.0 Screenshots
據說速度上會更快,也有功能 - VectorMagic
bitmap 變 vector - Gmail gets IMAP
可以桌面與網絡同步了 - Beanstalk — Hosted Subversion for team leads
- Why Amazon’s HaaS (Hardware as a Service) Strategy is a Winner
- The Pirate Bay Sees a Future Without BitTorrent
新的 protocol 企圖脫離 BT 控制
- MindTouch OpenGarden – MindTouch OpenGarden
open source wiki,比較貼心的是其提供 VM 快速安裝 - FRESH DEL.ICIO.US
client-side application 來管理 delicious, 可以偵測死 link, 行 java - Tourist Remover
- SUMo
Software Update Monitor - Prism
Quote: lets users split web applications out of their browser and run them directly on their desktop. - Install Leopard on your PC in 3 easy steps!
- What Beautiful HTML Code Looks Like
- POSH – Plain Old Semantic HTML
比起 valid, semantic, accessible, well-structured HTML 順口? - Creating Liquid CSS Tabs for Menus
圖解 css tabs
- How to choose a JavaScript framework
- Online Calendars and Date Pickers
現在有好多選擇呢 - PopBox! – Javascript Image Magnification
包括 resize 動畫 - JavaScript Library Overview
- Videobox: Lightbox for videos, Youtube, Metacafe, Google Video, iFilm
based on mootools - JSLoader – JavaScript Libraries On Demand
支持如 prototype, ext, jquery, mochikit, yui 等 libraries 的 on demand loading
- google-collections
Quote: The Google Collections Library 0.5 (ALPHA) is a suite of new collections and collection-related goodness for Java 5.0, brought to you by Google. - gchart
GWT 的 chart library
Project Mangement
- Evidence Based Scheduling
Experience data to make your estimation accurate
- 100 great free and open source tools and applications for web developers
- MozRepl
Quote: Connect to Firefox and other Mozilla apps, explore and modify them from the inside, while they’re running. - Write a resume that will land you a programming job
Envrionmental Protection
- 巴黎的公共自行車出租計畫
Quote: 如果沒有城市的主政者一意孤行,排除萬難,抱著非要推動不可的決心,是很難成事的
Movies Magazine
- 《香港電影》大炒熱