- 過度管理
Quote: 一身套裝的管理員,禮貌周周趨前,欠身,微笑,說:「這裡是給人shopping的。」 - 條例圍建起的公共用地
Quote: 這期的《新聞透視》聚焦在公共用地與文娛活動上,幕幕荒謬絕倫,看著啼笑皆非
Creative Commons
- 甚麼是 Creative Commons?去片!
廣東話的哦! - 大家齊唱我的歌:創意共享多麼多麼的高興!
Quote: 其實「版權所有」不一定能保護創作人,在出版與發行高度壟斷的社會,很多創作人被迫把自己作品的「所有權力」(All rights)交托給一些代理,作者自己失去流通作品的權力
Firefox 3
- Simple Extensions in Firefox 3
Some introduction to FUEL* Firefox 3 Memory Benchmarks and Comparison
compare with Safari 3.1 (windows), Flock (based on FF2), Opera 9.5 and IE8 beta 1 - New YSlow with Firefox 3 support
- Firefox: Functional Firefox User Styles
Enhance your Firefox interface - Firefox 3 optimized builds for G5 / Intel
- Next Office 2007 service pack will include ODF, PDF support options
ODF 連 M$ 也支持了 - Captcha也瘋狂
Quote: 們到底有沒有想過這些「密碼」終於難倒的不是機械人,而是用戶
Web Services
- When is Good
Quote: An easy way to find out when everyone is free for your next meeting or event. - picjuice.com – online photo editor
It’s pretty fast~ powered by Google App Engine - Import your del.icio.us bookmarks into Firefox 3 and retain the tags
- Google Map Maker
Quote: a Google Maps service that allows you add or edit features, such as roads, businesses, parks, schools and more - LaunchSplash
如果你有網站將要開 (但未開),這個服務可以幫你弄個版面,告訴來者你的網站就要開,並提供 RSS 和 Email 的訂閱 - Dipity
Create timeline from your blog, twitter, flickr…..
- dragtable: Visually reorder all your table columns
- Production JavaScript Debugging
Firebug and Fiddler - “AutoGrid” for YUI Grids — Using JavaScript to Create Adaptive Grids
- Update: A New & Improved jQuery Script to Automatically Preload images from CSS
- Regular Expressions: Now You Have Two Problems
Tips for writing READABLE regexp - Rendering Polygons with Canvas Experiment
test VML vs SVG using Google maps - jiffy-web
Quote: an end-to-end real-world web page instrumentation and measurement suite
- Places Bar Editor 1.0
修改 windows dialogue 左側的 place bar - Twitter Quick Reply
在 tweet page 直接回覆的 bookmarklet - Universal Edit Button
Quote: The Universal Edit Button is currently a green pencil icon in the URL bar that indicates a web page is editable
- iPhone的设计师图纸出现
- The Paper Version of the Web
Paper prototyping - Open Web Design
Quote: a community of designers and site owners sharing free web design templates as well as web design information - A List Apart: Articles: Faux Absolute Positioning
- 特效夢幻 080623
Quote: 好萊塢知名電影特效大師史坦.溫斯頓(Stan Winston)因骨髓癌去世,享年62歲
- 秋葉原兇案與御宅族妖魔化
Quote: 將「通魔」炒作為御宅族及將「秋葉原殺人事件」錯誤解讀成「御宅族殺人事件」,對解決這社會問題沒有半點幫助