
蝙蝠俠 2005 消息

這是來自 SuperHero HypeIGN.com消息:

Title = Batman: Intimidation
Director = Christopher Nolan (Insomnia, Memento)
Release date = 2005 Summer

Good Guys….
Batman = Christian Bale (confirmed, the guy from American Psycho and Empire of the Sun)
Alfred (Bruce’s butler) = Michael Caine (confirmed)
Lucius Fox (Bruce’s right hand man) = Laurence Fishburne (confirmed, the guy from Matrix)
Bruce’ love interest = Katie Homes (confirmed)
Commissioner Gordon = Morgan Freeman (semi-confirmed)

Bad Guys….
Dr. Jonathan Crane (aka Scarecrow) = Cillian Murphy (confirmed, the guy from 28 Days Later)
D.A. Harvey Dent (aka Two-Face) = Guy Pearce (confirmed)
Ra’s Al Ghul = ??????

???? = Robert De Niro (confirmed, but role unknown)

other info….

  1. Film will start filming in late Feb, early March.
  2. This will be an all NEW Batman movie, there will be NO relationship with the pervious movies. It will start from the beginning of Batman’s career. The bad guy in the movie will be Scarecrow + Ra’s Al Ghul.
  3. The movie will be story, character driven, and with very few CG/special effect.
  4. All actors will have a 3 film contract, that means there will be at least 3 Batman films in plan
  5. New Superman movie will relase on 2006, Batman 2 will release on 2007….


導演是”凶心人”、”白夜追兇”的chrisotopher nolan,蝙蝠俠是”equilibrium”裏的christian bale,還有”matrix”系列的morpheus – Laurence Fishburne,也是”兇心人”的guy pearce和robert de niro。很吸引的cast呀…而且故事會從新來過,應該會很有新意才對。

回想蝙蝠俠系列,最成功的就是tim burton的”Batman”及”Batman returns”,裏面用黑色描寫蝙蝠俠的陰沉一面,跟其他英雄片的格調大有不同。returns中引入的貓女michelle pfeiffer也目當不錯,而貓女一角將會開拍另一套電影,由Oscar影后Halley Berry擔綱( Catwoman )。

今次蝙蝠俠的演員合約是三集的,也就是說電影公司有意讓蝙蝠俠系列一洗頹風,重頭來過。至於說故事會是Character, story driven,而特技也比較少,聽上去不錯,但仍抱觀望態度啦….
