電影中心的日本動畫週已完,我也看過了兩齣心目中的經典:Ghost in the Shell 攻殼機動隊 與 The End Of Evangelion 新世紀福音戰士。
這一次播放的影片都是用日本原聲 (不過有些在藝術中心看的就是英語),可以看得出是dvd來的,因為沒有膠片的‘污點‘,其中字幕攻殼是中+英,用字幕機投影在畫面下面,而eva則是用dvd原有的字幕。
重看兩片,感受到的是經典始終是百看不厭,如今我還是對攻殼的未來世界觀感到很先進和新穎,網絡是否人類進化的下一個階段?網絡生命的誕生有可能嗎?記憶與人的關係是怎樣?對於庵野秀明的膽色更是配服,完全與tv片脫軌的風格,完全看不明白的情節 (當然總體上知道發生什麼事),還加插現實與動畫之間的穿插,在玩動畫角色之餘,還玩觀眾,還敢於摧毀受歡迎角色(明日香和綾波),膽子實在大得可怕。
最後送上eva的片尾曲,Thanatos: If I can’t be yours
Now its time, I fear to tell
I’ve been holding it back so long
But something strange deep inside of me is happening I feel unlike
I’ve ever felt And its making me scared
That I may not be what
I (think I am)
What of us, what do I say
Are we both from a different world
Cause every breath that I take,
I breathe it for you I couldn’t face my life without you
And I’m so afraid.
There’s nothing to comfort us
What am I, if I can’t be yours
I don’t sleep, don’t feel a thing
And my senses have all but gone
Can’t even cry from the pain, can’t shed a tear now I realise
We’re not the same and it’s making me sad
Cause we can’t fufill our dreams (in the life)
So I must, let us break free
I can never be what you need
If there was a way, through the hurt then
I would fint it I’d take the blows.
Yes I would fight it but this is the one.
Impossible dream to love
What am I, if I can’t be yours