七段新的poto小片段:here . 包括:
- Think of Me
- All I ask of you
- These things do happen
- We have no cast
- Interview with Gerard Bulter (Phantom)
- Interview with Joel Schumacher (Director)
- Interview with the cast
台灣的電影官方網站已開: 歌劇魅影 。 不知道香港地區有沒有官網呢?
另外,台灣版的phatom主題曲(應該就是指 Learn to be lonely),將會由費翔主唱,他在北京的alw紀念演唱會也有演唱phantom的歌曲。
來自於Broadway’s Greatest Gift: Carols For A Cure 1999聖誕歌:The 12 Days of Phantom 好有趣…
[To people who come here because of the ’12 Days’ song: the file is not hosted by me. I just found it somewhere on the net.]
On the first day of Christmas the Phantom gave to me
A maskOn the second day of Christmas the Phantom gave to me
2 Christines
And a maskOn the third day of Christmas the Phantom gave to me
3 pretty harmonies
2 leading ladies
And the scary porcelein mask lalalalalaOn the fourth day of Christmas the Phantom gave to me
4 fog machines
3 pretty harmonies
2 ingenues
And the sweaty porcelein mask I have to wearOn the fifth day of Christmas the Phantom gave to me
5 high D’s AAAAAH!
4 fog machines
3 pretty harmonies
“You do Saturday matinee.” “No no I’ll do Wednesday and Thursday.”
And the sweaty piece of porcelein on my faceOn the sixth day of Christmas the Phantom gave me
666 a chandelier in pieces
5 high D’s AAAAAH!
4 fog machines
3 pretty harmonies
2 Christines (and an understudy)
And this rubbery lip thing I have to wear alsoOn the seventh day of Christmas the Phantom gave to me
7 candlelabras
666 a chandelier in pieces
5 high D’s AAAAAH!
4 fog machines
3 pretty harmonies
2 ingenues
“I think I’m a pretty good-looking guy now I wear a pizza on my face.”On the eighth day of Christmas the Phantom gave to me
8 tone-deaf dances
7 candlelabras
666 a chandelier in pieces
4 fog machines
3 pretty harmonies
2 Christines (and an understudy)
“You guys have to kiss the rubby lip thing.” “Yeah we know.”On the ninth day of Christmas the Phantom gave to me
9 cameras flashing
8 tone-deaf dancers “We’re not all tone-deaf.” “That’s right darling.”
7 candlelabras
666 a chandelier in pieces
5 high D’s “Naturally she’s supposed to sing an E.” “Hey!”
4 fog machines
3 pretty harmonies
2 Christines “And there’s only one Raoul.”
And this spilling great mask I have to wearOn the tenth day of Christmas the Phantom gave to me
10000 rehearsals
9 beepers beeping
7 candlelabras
666 a chandelier in pieces
5 high D’s sigh
4 fog machines
3 pretty harmonies
“Hey we sing the E!” “Yeah sure you do.”
And no one even gets to see my hairOn the eleventh day of Christmas the Phantom gave to me
11 pyrotechnics
10000 puddings
9 cellphones ringing
8 on-pitch dancers
7 candlelabras
666 a chandelier in pieces sob
5 high E’s AAAAAH! (Carlotta+Christines) “Amateurs.”
4 fog machines
3 pretty harmonies
2 ingenues “3.”
And the sweaty piece of porcelein on my faceOn the twelth day of Christmas the Phantom gave to me
12 YEARS in Phantom
11 pyrotechnics
10000 castings
9 cameras flashing
8 diva dancers “Cheeky monkeys.”
7 candlelabras
666 a chandelier in pieces
5 high E’s low E by Don Attilo
4 fog machines
3 pretty harmonies
A whole bunch of Christines
And the sweaty piece of porcelein on his face