- 新屎坑十宗罪
Quote: 港人已用雙腳同嘈吵將濕地公園蹂躪一整天,成功征服自然。 - 從濕地公園、屯門公園看港人
Quote: 昨日濕地公園開幕,其投訴的無理,真的很不知所謂。 - 公園破壞王
Quote: 越方便到,濕地公園死得越快。。 繼屯門公園淪陷,濕地公園的死期也不遠矣。
- 網絡維權 vs 網絡侵權 – 以後怎麼辦?
網絡起哄文化,我們要怎要對? - 我要考試,你要考試。 我有壓力,你有壓力。
已成金句了~ - 連街霸亦跟上「巴士阿叔」的潮流…
- Feedpass Does Absolutely Nothing
最近一個類似叫 feedpass 的服務惹來爭議,他們做的是跟 Feedburner 差不多的事情,但就在 feed 的 landing page 加入了廣告 - 东拉西扯:匪夷所思的Google Notebook
的確不太好用,那個 rich text editor 好慢,本來想用來做 blog draft 的工具,看來我還是用回 gmail draft 好了… - 單仲階,你好垃圾
Quote: 單仲階先生在立法會代表資訊科技界多年,為香港資訊科技界做了什麼?
- 請廣傳:香港動畫有段古
香港電影資料館即將舉行的「香港動畫有段古」展覽的介紹 - 香港可以出現傻呼嚕同盟嗎?
Thanks for spreading the ‘香港動畫有段古' ^^
Yesterday I've read a article by 傻呼嚕同盟, about 宮崎駿 and his son 宮崎吾郎, quite interesting.
Yes. While nowadays 網摘 has become a great competitors for these article-collecting website, 數位文化誌 success by carefully choose the articles. Although there are not much articles on the site, but they are very valueable.
可能是對號入座,總覺得頭幾段是講我這些人 — [無力評論,有心搞事]。
Actually the main reason that I write critics or introductions is not aiming at some great visions. The main driving force is that I simply want to express my view and opinion on particular piece of work, artist, phenomenon etc.
Anyway, if we look at the whole culture, these articles will surely enrich it. The value of these articles is that they reflect different point of views from different people to the culture. Both phenomenon critics and work critics are valueable. A culture is contributed by different people, not just the artist, distributors, companies, but also customers, readers and even outsiders who write these articles. A culture can only become more and more popular and interesting by more and more people involving it.
Also, if we want to grade the value these articles, I think we should judge on their expressiveness. If one can express his/her opinion and critics well, then it is a good articles, and do better in enriching the culture. The content and view point of the articles doesn't reflects whether the articles is good or not, when we are talking about its value. And of course, we should bare in mind that ‘good' and ‘bad' is not a '1 or 0' situation, and all of these articles have value and contribute in enriching and building the culture.
Further more, we should not be rude to others articles. We should always remember that no one write perfect articles, and everyone has been a newbie. Only discussion and exchanging ideas can let us learn more.
Oops, sorry that I don't have chinese input here… (SHB123)