- Relief.Asia – About Us
Quote: a tool and platform to drive awareness and community contribution towards the rebuilding of nature-savaged regions … through the application of Information Technology. - 中國天災年
Quote: 奧運紛擾不斷,天災反而使我們團結起來 - 四川發生7.8級地震,網友全成了現場記者…
- 當國家主席遇上求知小孩
Quote: 想來吸引。但可惜,在這些出訪樣板戲裡,所有問題和答案都是預設的
- Google Friend Connect
提供不同 gadget 整合各 social site,再 embed 在網頁內 - TimeTube
用時間綫看 youtube - Tag Galaxy
效果超 cool 的 tag 星球
- 順耳忠言(下) – SoftRam的故事
Quote: 這六十萬個人(還未計當年用盜版軟件的不知多少個六十萬人)在安裝了這個軟件之後,沒有感覺到效能有所提升,不會覺得奇怪了嗎?
- Gmail Addons
Greasemonkey scripts to integrate gmail with chat and calendar - readair
Google Reader on AIR - Alliance P2P – Safe file sharing
Quote: a private and secure environment to share files and communicate with people you know
- Demand OpenID!
A bookmarklet let you ‘vote’ on the site you want OpenID support
- jQuery Interactive Date Range Picker with Shortcuts
Enhancement on the UI datepicker - Learning JavaScript Programming Language through Video Lectures
- Introducing the Google Maps API for Flash
- Criticisms of Spring, PHP, and Rails
It’s come from a commercial framework WEB4J. - Google Doctype – Google Code
Quote: an open encyclopedia and reference library. Written by web developers, for web developers - Session variables without cookies
太詭異了!用 window.name property - Top reasons your CSS columns are messed up
Explain very clearly why your CSS columns drop in IE, must read!
- 【EVA】掌中的記憶
Quote: 薰你好萌啊!!來年電影版我們再相會!!